Upon returning from the well-beloved Polyglot Gathering, Rick and Dave discuss what they want to accomplish for the next year. In this episode, Rick talks about a new (to him) concept that he hopes will “melt and rewire” his brain and make him a superhuman Italian-speaking dynamo. If only he could stop spending so much…
Tag: language resources
Episode 9: Expanding Your Vocabulary
Rick and Dave discuss ways to acquire subject-specific vocabulary and to expand your vocabulary with subtle shades of meaning. Use technology to find words specific to a specific field or use a an old-fashioned book. Learn how to say “infinitesimal,” preferably correctly. Download The Audio Show Notes 01:07 How can I increase my vocabulary/acquire subject-specific…
Episode 8: Questions, Part II: This Time, It’s Personal!
Rick and Dave answer questions about flow, conversational fluency, materials in the target language, and Harry Potter. Listen as Rick takes the lead and discusses how he shares his techniques on pushing the intermediate-language-learning envelope, taking the listener on a thrill ride of techniques and tips until finally the listener is out of breath. Which…
Episode 7: Questions from “Real” Listeners
Rick and Dave answer not-made-up questions from non-fictitious listeners for the benefit of providing information to actual listeners and not simply for the sake of hearing themselves talk and thinking that they sound smart and wonderful. All hail Rick and Dave. Download The Audio Show Notes Some highlights so you can avoid the lowlights: 01:22 …